Bukit Puteri sentiasa dikunjungi oleh para pelancong terutamanya apabila musim cuti sekolah seperti sekarang ini. Seingat saya semenjal tahun 1996 lagi iaitu sewaktu saya menjalani amali praktikum di SM Zainab, Kota Bharu dan apabila balik ke kuala Terengganu maka saya selalu berkunjung ke bukit puteri. Pemandangan dari atas bukit ini amat menakjubkan. Muara Sungai Terengganu dan kawasan Seberang Takir begitu terserlah dan mengujakan setiap pengunjung. Bukit ini asalnya merupakan kubu yang mengawal perairan Kuala Terengganu. Di atasnya masih ada sebuah genta (loceng besar) yang kini digunakan untuk memberitahu waktu berbuka puasa apabila tiba bulan ramadhan.Orang Kuala Terengganu memanggilnya “bunyi bedil”, apabila bunyi bedil maka menunjukkan bahawa waktu berbuka puasa telah masuk maka bermulalah menjamu selera setelah sepanjang hari berlapar dan dahaga kerana Allah S.W.T Dulu genta ini berfungsi sebagai pemberi amaran sekiranya terjadi apa-apa atau panggilan untuk mengumpulkan rakyat. Terdapat juga makam lama, beberapa buah meriam dan yang terkenal adalah meriam beranak, rumah api dan sebuah tempat seperti singgahsana.
Suasananya agak tenang, pelajar-pelajar yang nak study amat sesuai kerana suasana yang tenang dan mendamaikan. Untuk mengetahui sejarah Bukit Puteri dengan lebih lanjut saya perturunkan kepada anda artikel di bawah ini.
Build in 1830 as a fortrees, this hill offers a paranomic view of the state capital. The historical monuments and artefacts found here include the Genta (a large bell), Meriam Beranak (a family of cannons), an old lighthouse, and an ancient cemetery. The fortrees, overlooking the mouth of Terengganu River, was once used in the defence of Kuala Terenganu.
Bukit Puteri is situated at the mouth of Terengganu River. It covers an area of about 658 hectares and the height is about 200 meters from the sea level. Bukit Puteri was built to defend the Rulers of Terengganu from attacks by the enemies. Bukit Puteri is easily accessible as there are steps leading to the top. Bukit Puteri was said to have originated as a place of residence for Puteri Bunian. However, the princess left Bukit Puteri when the local residents borrowed her cutlery and did not return them to her. According to legend, this hill was opened by a chieftain from Johor named Tuk Raja Menteri who came to Terengganu to install Sultan Zainal Abidin I as the first Sultan of Terengganu.
During the year 1830, there was a struggle for power among the two royalty of Terengganu that is, Tengku Mansur, the Sultan of Terengganu who was conferred the title of Sultan Mansur Shah II and Tengku Umar, the Yang Di pertuan Besar. Tengku Umar had built a fort at the top of Bukit Puteri for defence. This fort was built of bricks and cemented with honey, lime and egg white. However Bukit Puteri was captured by Sultan Mansur Shah II and Tengku Umar was forced to flee to Besut. Bukit Puteri then came under the control of Sultan Muhammad I who ascended to the throne when Sultan Mansur Shah II passed away. However, Sultan Mahmmud was not able to defend Bukit Puteri when it was attacked by Tengku Umar army. Finally, Tengku Umar recaptured Bukit Puteri again.
A few historical artifacts still exists on Bukit Puteri till this present day. Among them are a big bell, cannon, a flag pole, light house, graves and a defence wall. However, long time ago there were many cannons at Bukit Puteri. The cannons were believed to have originated from Spain, Portugal and the Malay States and were given names such as Seri Jamlor, Seri Buih, Seri Johor and Laila Majnun. The bell that still exists today was built during the reign of Sultan Zainal Abidin III in the year 1908. The bell was made from yellow copper, the circumference and height of the bell were 228 centimeters and the weight was 175 kilograms. The bell was sounded when there were rampage, fire or enemies attacking the state. It was believed that the bell was guarded by a boy from the royal family. The boy job was to sound the bell if any emergency or natural disasters occurred.
A cave known as Gua Puteri can also be found here. It was used as a place to keep the gun powder, stone and iron bullets. The flag pole that is on top of Bukit Puteri was used to raise the royal flag when there were any royal ceremonies held. The weight of the flag pole was around 18 meters high. The lighthouse on the peak of Bukit Puteri functioned as a guide for fishermen and sailors that siles into Kuala Sungai Terengganu. During the reign of Tengku Umar, he built a palace called the Green Palace at the foot of Bukit Puteri but was burned down in 1882. He built a new palace near the site of the Green Palace and was named Istana Maziah which still exit until today
Mana Kapal Layar ? Monsoon Cup tak guna ke laut depang tu
aktiviti yang patut kita bawa anak2 supaya menghayati sejarah negara...kalu dah besar baru nak bawa...mereka pasti rasa bosan dan tak rasa penting...
kali pertama aku naik bukit tu jumpa..tahi selonggok
Kau jangan buat fitnah Naser, nanti MB kau akan disaman
kat kuala selangor boleh tengok peninggalan sejarah di kota melawati. jemputlah datang boleh juga tengok beruk hitam yang mukanya putih melepak
Lening banyok orang buat maksiat atas nun.
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